School of Education participated in the opening ceremony of the 14th Anniversary Exhibition of the University of Phayao

24/7/2567 11:02:03น. 533
School of Education participated in the opening ceremony of the 14th Anniversary Exhibition of the University of Phayao
On July 17, 2024, Associate Professor Dr. Ruksit Suttipong, the Dean, and Dr. Wipawee Siriluk, Assistant Dean, participated in the opening ceremony of the 14th Anniversary Exhibition of the University of Phayao, which was organized by the Innovative Learning Institute collaborated with the School of architecture and fine art under the topic “14 years of development, creating wisdom for the community” at the exhibition hall area, 1st floor, Lanna Arts and Culture Building, the Innovative Learning Institute, the University of Phayao by Associate Professor Dr. Supakorn Pongbangpho, President of the University of Phayao was the president to open the ceremony, along with the Vice President, and the administrators team, visiting the exhibition. In addition, there was also a performance from the Khuangsin Club, University of Phayao. The exhibition was organized to be a learning area in arts and culture along with disseminating knowledge about the creation of arts and culture creativity continues to create added value through innovation between the university and the community to create pride in the good way of life of local traditions and arts and culture. There is a display of stories and impressions from 14 years of the University of Phayao in the exhibition.




ภาพ :   School of Education   
ข้อมูล/ข่าว :    นางชุติมดี ไชยเบ้า นักวิชาการศึกษา วิทยาลัยการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา   
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24/7/2567 11:02:03น. 533
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