On September 16, 2024, Associate Professor Dr. Ruksit Suttipong, the Dean of the School of Education, along with administrators, lecturers, and supporting staff, welcomed the Office of the Education Council to the workshop on enhancing cooperation in promoting human rights and equality between the genders of educational organizations and related agencies at the School of Education meeting room, University of Phayao. It was led by Mr. Phethai Boonmee, the Director of Administrative System Development Office, the Office of the Education Council, along with Dr. Bawonsak Chutinthrasri, the Director of the Development of Results-Oriented Management Structure and Management System, the Administrative System Development Office, the Office of the Education Council, including private sector lecturers, Mr. Punlop Intanil, the representative from Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Mrs. Chantawat Hansaphiromchoke, Ms. Prachaya Suriya, and Ms. Piyathida Promwang, participated in exchanging knowledge on the ways to enhance cooperation in promoting human rights and gender equality in the environmental dimension and designing processes for jointly driving greenhouse gas reduction activities of educational organizations. On this occasion, we were honored by Assistant Professor Suwit Punyawong, the Vice President of Environment and Landscape, Associate Professor Dr. Torpong Kreetachat, the Dean of the School of Energy and Environment, Mr. Pichet Tookjitra, the Director of Division of Student Affairs, Dr. Prach Pingmuanglek, Environmental Supervisor, the Division of Building and Facilities, University of Phayao, and the School of Education’s representative, participated in exchanging knowledge in this time.