CRC Green Office: Category 2
29/11/2566 16:07:28น. 1147
On November 29, 2023, Chiang Rai Campus, led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tipchan Wongchanta, the Director, held a meeting to discuss the plans for Green Office Category 2: Communication and Creating Awareness..jpg)
Mr. Phanuphong Moolchanta, a CRC staff in charge of Green Office Category 2, presented to the CRC Green Office committee the relevant plans for Green Office which include communication, environmental problems, rules and regulations on environmental protection, cleanliness and neatness (5s Activities), the consumption of energy and resources (water, electricity, fuel, paper, etc.), waste management, environmentally friendly goods and services, and communication on greenhouse gas, both online and offline. .jpg)
Also included in the meeting were plans for Green Office Category 1 (Policies Determination, Operation Planning, and Continual Improvement), Green Office Category 3 (Resource and Energy Consumption), and Green Office Category 5 () Environment and Safety Management). All are for the better and practical management and implementation of Green Office at Chiang Rai Campus.