School of Education conducted the activity to promote morality and transparency in the subjects of good governance

3/3/2568 14:43:53น. 16
School of Education conducted the activity to promote morality and transparency in the subjects of good governance and educational risk management for the 2nd year of the Education Program in Educational Administration students
On February 8-9, 2025, led by Associate Professor Dr. Ruksit Suttipong, the Dean of the School of Education, conducted the activity to promote morality and transparency in the subject 176743, the good governance and educational risk management, for the 2nd year of Education Program in Educational Administration students at the study room, Phukam Yao Building, University of Phayao. The objective was to provide the 2nd year of the Education Program in Educational Administration students with knowledge and understanding of educational institution administration according to the principles of good governance and acknowledge the policy for evaluating morality and transparency in the operations of government agencies. As well as, to provide an opportunity for students to express their opinions and exchange knowledge in performing the duties of educational institution administrators, listen to the suggestions for developing the educational service system, and together to express symbolically in compliance with the declaration of intent "No Gift Policy" to prevent conflicts of interest in the work of the School of Education personnel, Fiscal year 2025.




ภาพ :   งานประชาสัมพันธ์ วิทยาลัยการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา   
ข้อมูล/ข่าว :    งานประชาสัมพันธ์ วิทยาลัยการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา   
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3/3/2568 14:43:53น. 16
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