School of Education conducted a “Learning Style between Japanese and Thai Students” activity and welcomed the persons from Yokkaichi University, Japan

1/3/2567 10:58:15น. 830
School of Education conducted a “Learning Style between Japanese and Thai Students” activity and welcomed the persons from Yokkaichi University, Japan
On February 25-26, 2024, Assistant Professor Dr. Sunthon Khlai-Um, the Associate Dean of Planning and Student Quality Development, Dr. Kasidit Meeprom, the Associate Dean of organizational administration and quality development, Assistant Professor Dr. Amornrat Wattanatorn, Expert of School of Education, Lecturer Matika Lerdpathama, Assistant Dean, Assistant Professor Dr. Lumyai Seehamat, Head of Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction and Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, Assistant Professor Dr. Wilawan Phothong, Head of Master of Education Program in Educational Innovators, and doctoral students in Curriculum and Instruction conducted the development of teacher characteristics and enhance teacher identity in Graduate programs Activity 4: attending academic seminars on “Learning Styles between Japanese and Thai Students” and welcoming four teachers and students from Yokkaichi University, Japan, which are led by Prof. Yuko Iwasaki, Ms. Hozumi Nakano, Ms. Moka Iwai, and Mr. Kusai Yamamoto. This project was organized to discuss and exchange knowledge on issues of curriculum development, subjects, and teaching activity formats, including guidelines for writing a thesis for a graduate in the Curriculum and Instruction program's students.




ภาพ :   School of Education   
ข้อมูล/ข่าว :    นางชุติมดี ไชยเบ้า นักวิชาการศึกษา วิทยาลัยการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา   
เพิ่มข่าวโดย :   
1/3/2567 10:58:15น. 830
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