CRC Green Office Planning: Category 5

2/11/2566 11:49:52น. 1257
CRC Green Office Planning: Category 5
On November 1, Chiang Rai Campus held a meeting to follow up the planning for CRC Green Office, focusing on Category 5: Environment and Safety Management. Administrative Building, Classroom Building, UP Rim Kok Apartment, garden, and parking lots were among areas under discussions

Ms. Kanjana Potawee, a CRC academic staff responsible for Category 5 planning, kindly presented her work progress to the committee meeting as follows.

Discussions then ensued to ensure the better green and clean environment for the benefit of faculty, staff, students, visitors, and all stakeholders of Ching Rai Campus.




ภาพ :   Chiang Rai Campus   
ข้อมูล/ข่าว :    Chiang Rai Campus   
เพิ่มข่าวโดย :   
2/11/2566 11:49:52น. 1257
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