School of Law arranged an online academic seminar on the topic of “Electric Car Insurance Policy”

31/10/2566 10:14:12น. 1193
Electric Car

On October 27, 2023, from 13.30 to 16.00, the School of Law arranged an online academic seminar on the topic of “Electric Car Insurance Policy” under the Community Law Clinic project via Zoom Meeting and the School of Law’s Facebook live streaming. The seminar's objectives are to enlighten attendees and facilitate the exchange of viewpoints regarding the registrar’s order on the draft of the improvement of insurance products to be suitable for the risks of electric cars and to safeguard insured customers. The draught registrar's order was the focus of the seminar. It included the following: a suitable insurance premium rate, battery compensation, a list of drivers so that drivers with good driving records can potentially have their insurance premium rate lowered, and protection for electric car accessories like chargers, cables, and software.




ภาพ :   พันธศิลป์ เจนใจ   
ข้อมูล/ข่าว :    พันธศิลป์ เจนใจ   
เพิ่มข่าวโดย :   
31/10/2566 10:14:12น. 1193
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