Dean of School of Allied Health Science, University of Phayao has an oral presentation in The 3rd FCT-HEC.

27/9/2564 17:05:22น. 1300

The 3rd Forum on China-Thailand Higher Education Cooperation – Exploring New Models in the Post-Pandemic Era for Promoting Sino-Thai Higher Education Cooperation in the View of the "Belt and Road" Initiative" held on September 23-25, 2021 in Guiyang, People's Republic of China, with alliance of China-Thailand Universities (ACTU) co-organized by Siam University.

Assistant Professor Dr.Yuttana Mundee, MT., Dean of School of Allied Health Science, University of Phayao was selected to has an online oral presentation on the topic of "Cooperation among Thai and Chinese Universities on Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Rehabilitation Sciences" on Saturday, September 25, 2021.

Not only has an oral presentation but Assistant Professor Dr.Yuttana Mundee, MT., also introduce colleges, universities, professional organizations, in the medical technologist and physical therapy in Thailand, including seeking for academic cooperation with another university in China that offer a similar course. He also introduces University of Phayao to the participant such as location, history background, subjects, general atmosphere especially a botanical university with resource saving and ecological friendly mind.




ภาพ :   Panida Hanphitakphong   
ข้อมูล/ข่าว :    Yuttana Mundee   
เพิ่มข่าวโดย :   
27/9/2564 17:05:22น. 1300
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