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When It Comes to UP-PSF, We Don’t Miss a Thing---AHS News

On 12th June 2023, the School of Allied Health Science hosted the event.‘’Encouragement for UP-PSF in teaching managements, a road to UP PSF for academic year of 2023’’ Held at M2 Hotel Waterside, Phayao, Thailand. Keynote speaker; Asst Prof. Watchar

On 12th June 2023, the School of Allied Health Science hosted the event.


‘’Encouragement for UP-PSF in teaching managements, a road to UP PSF for academic year of 2023’’

Held at M2 Hotel Waterside, Phayao, Thailand.

Keynote speaker; Asst Prof. Watchara Laenoi, PhD


The event was declared by Asst Prof.Dr. Puttipong Polkamhug, Dean, School of Allied Health Sciences.

As University of Phayao-Professional Standard Framework (UP-PSF) has been implemented for all academic staff for outstanding teaching managements, the school of AHS has never hesitated to encourage all involved personnel to follow this footstep.   Although, the school consists of highly motivated staff, however, we still need some advice from an expert and experienced personnel. In this regard, the school had invited Asst.Prof. Dr. Watchara Laenoi from the school of Agriculture and natural resources for providing valuables guidances and being a role model for attended staff. Moreover, the school has also invited Asst. Prof. Dr. Serm Surapinit from the school of AHS as a co-host for the seminar session.

The event provided a golden opportunity for all staff to learn and share with experts in fields for the next round of UP-PSF submission which is due on 30th June 2023.

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