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School of Education participated in the Blackboard Games 19 Project “Homekrutourtisa Kaipongfahbekwiti Mornamseekradandum” at Mahasarakham University

School of Education participated in the Blackboard Games 19 Project “Homekrutourtisa Kaipongfahbekwiti Mornamseekradandum” at Mahasarakham University
On February 15-16, 2025, Assistant Professor Dr. Natthawut Subphaso, the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Student Teacher Quality Development, Ms. Matika Lerdpathama, the Assistant Dean of Curriculum and Educational Quality Assurance, Assistant Professor Sarawut Juntarakam, the lecturer of Fine and Applied Arts Program in Music and Dance, the School of Architecture and Fine Arts, Dr. Watchrin Kaechan, Dr. Atiphong Peatchkerd, the lecturers of Thai Language, the School of Liberal Arts, Ms. Pawanrat Wangma, the Head of academic, Ms. Pornnapa Upping, the Educator, and Mr. Khomthit Chantama, the General Administrative Officer, led the School of Education representatives participated in the Blackboard Games 19 Project “Homekrutourtisa Kaipongfahbekwiti Mornamseekradandum” at Mahasarakham University. It was honored by Assistant Professor Dr. Monruedee Chaowarat, the Vice President for Administration and Development, Mahasarakham University, who was the president to open the Blackboard Games 19 Project. The Blackboard Games Relation Project is considered a space of friendship, cooperation, and exchange of knowledge among students’ teacher from 5 educational institutions as follows: Mahasarakham University, Khon Kaen University, Naresuan University, Chiang Mai University, and University of Phayao, including Ubon Ratchathani University, who participated in this project as the observator. The objective was to promote the students' teacher potential in many dimensions, including academics, professions, arts and culture, and recreational activities. In addition, building a good relationship between each other which will lead to the development of the potential of students’ teacher that can continue to adapt in a multicultural society.

In the project, there were interesting activities, such as an academic seminar on the topic of “Knowledgeable, Awakened, and Joyful Teachers,” the teaching skills competition, the debate competition, the blackboard favorite contest, and displaying the distinctive identity of each institution, as well as a cultural exchange procession with a total of 660 people participating in the project.

On this occasion, the School of Education participated in 3 competitions and got the following rewards:

1. The teaching skills competition activity that got the First runner-up

2. The debate competition activity that got the honorable mention reward

3. The blackboard favorite contest activity that got the honorable mention reward

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