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Engineering UP organizes the 3rd FA CUP to enhance students' well-being through shared activities

Engineering UP organizes the 3rd FA CUP to enhance students

School of Engineering Student Club University of Phayao, under the leadership of Assistant Professor Dr.Nuttanon Pongpanit, Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Industrial Cooperation, hosted the 3rd FA CUP football tournament. The competition brought together students from all four disciplines within the faculty and was held as part of the "Engineering Sport Day 2024" initiative on January 25, 2025, at Chom Park Stadium.

Acknowledging the significance of physical activity, the Faculty of Engineering has actively supported this event to inspire students to participate in sports and prioritize their well-being. This initiative not only enhances students' physical health but also cultivates teamwork, leadership abilities, self-confidence, and strong interpersonal connections through collaborative faculty activities. Moreover, it aligns with the University of Phayao’s primary strategic goal of developing a workforce with future-oriented skills and competencies.

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