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School of Education welcomed the Associate of Chulalongkorn University Education Alumni

School of Education welcomed the Associate of Chulalongkorn University Education Alumni
On February 11, 2025, Assistant Professor Dr. Sunthon Khlai-Um, the Associate Dean of Organizational Administration and Student Quality Development, Assistant Professor Dr. Watchara Jatuporn, the Associate Dean of Research and Academic Services in Area-based, Dr. Wipawee Siriluk, the Assistant Dean for Special Affairs and Global Communication, lecturers, and the Head of work, welcomed the Associate of Chulalongkorn University Education Alumni. It led by Professor Dr. Pruet Siribanpitak, the president of the Associate of Chulalongkorn University Education Alumni, along with the association committee that came to meet the Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University Alumni members, had lunch together and exchanged experiences to build a network of relationships between the Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University members and the academic network at So Good Restaurant, Phayao.

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