1. Academics Affairs The main mission of the University of Phayao is to develop Thailand’s human resources in order to align with the Thai
Qualification Framework for Higher Education: TQF: HEd. The university aims to produce graduates with preferable attributes, such as: moral, ethical, wisdom based,
interpersonal skills; responsible behavior, competence, numeric skills, communication skills, and information technology skills. If graduates are equipped with these
qualities, the university is certain that they will be able to compete in the global job market. Nevertheless, to achieve these goals, the potential for improvement and
the acquiring of qualifications by lectures is also encouraged. According to the trend of education, it is necessary to adopt a variety of teaching methods and techniques.
Consequently, the university has to fully support the life-long learning, both of students before they enter the job market, as well as graduates in the job market. Hence,
improvements and up to date teaching methods and techniques are encouraged, to meet with academic and career development standards.
2. Research Affairs The University of Phayao promotes the undertaking of research and development in order to develop the society
and the economy, both of which have become more complex in modern times. The university invests in many types of research, such as research in the
development of technology for modern industry, which uses intelligent capital rather than labour or raw materials; research for increasing the effectiveness
of human resource management; research promoting the recovery and preservation of the environment; research about industry; health science and the development
of public health; and social development research. The university focuses on basic research as well as applied research in any discipline, aiming to implement
effective teaching and learning methods, as well as a high quality standards of living. Additionally, this enhances our long-term independence by producing research
leaders who can create partnerships or networking initiatives with other universities, locally and internationally. This is a way to increase the quality of our
researchers, so as to meet the international standards.
3. Academic services affairsThe University of Phayao would like to provide more variety in its academic services, such as a service that puts emphasis on
the development of education and higher standards of living, and medical and public health services. However, the availability of some particular academic services depends
on the budget of organizations that require them; especially academic services that are organized for those who have high financial support, such as those in the business and
industrial sectors. Also, there should be a mutual consideration of investment and collaboration between us and the private sector concerning some particular kinds of academic
service, in order to achieve specific goals. Above all, it is necessary to establish a collaboration between the university and the local administration in the upper northern
region, as well as with private companies, in order to create strength and be accepted by the general public.
4. Art and Cultural preservation The University of Phayao tries to develop a combination of cultural and global collaboration initiatives in the economy through
the preservation and conservation of Thai art and culture. This is the foundation of its equilibratory development, including a study that intends to understand what might be called
profound "Thainess". This leads to conversations and preserves differences in traditions and cultures, as well as the ability to live in the world with one’s identity and dignity intact,
through the promotion of preferable culture and values by people, organizations and society.
5. The administration of The University of Phayao The University must develop to be a university of international quality and to be a social engagement university which has the internationally recognized in ASEAN and international.
The missions of the university are to produce graduates, the researches, academic services and to promote and preserve the art and culture.
The university set a goal to lead community to reach the stability and sustainability of the economy, social welfare, energy, natural resources and environment based on efficiency, effectiveness and good governance.