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SEEN organize a knowledge-sharing on the principles of sustainability for industrial enterprises based on environmental governance for entrepreneurs i

University of Phayao
On February 18-19, 2025, the School of Energy and Environment (SEEN), University of Phayao, led by Asst. Prof. Dr. Anusorn Boonpoke, Deputy Dean for Administration and Strategy, along with Dr. Wanawan Pragot and Dr. Wimonrat Sitisara, organized a knowledge-sharing event on understanding the principles of sustainability for industrial enterprises based on environmental governance. This event was held under the project for developing enterprises and environmental cooperation networks in accordance with the operational plan of the Provincial Industry Office for entrepreneurs in Phayao Province at M2 Hotel Waterside, Phayao.

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Address : University of Phayao

Phayao Thailand

Phone :

+6654 466 666

Opening Hours :

Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 4.30pm