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UP Executives and Staff Declare Commitment to the No Gift Policy for Fiscal Year 2025

UP Executives and Staff Declare Commitment to the No Gift Policy for Fiscal Year 2025
          On February 13th, 2025, the President of the University of Phayao, along with executives and staff, including vice presidents, deans, directors, department heads, and other personnel, gathered to reaffirm the university's commitment to the No Gift Policy. This declaration was made during the 140th University of Phayao Executive Committee Meeting (3/2025) at the Boworn Rattanaprasit Meeting Room, located on the 2nd Floor of the Office of the President Building at the University of Phayao.

          The initiative aimed to foster an ethical organizational culture by encouraging all executives and personnel to reject all forms of gifts and gratuities in the performance of their duties. This aligns with the university’s anti-corruption strategy and its commitment to enhancing integrity and transparency in operations, ensuring good governance remains a continuous and tangible practice within the institution.

           During the meeting, the President of the University of Phayao discussed the policies and guidelines outlined in the university's official declaration dated January 7th, 2025, specifically the No Gift Policy. This announcement serves as a reaffirmation of the university's stance against giving or accepting gifts in any form during, before, or after official duties. Such practices are seen as potential sources of corruption or misconduct. The President instructed executives and department heads to disseminate and enforce these guidelines within their respective teams, ensuring strict adherence at all levels of the organization.

         After the event, the President, executives, department heads, and staff of the University of Phayao collectively reaffirmed their commitment to ethical conduct by declaring: “The University of Phayao is an institution where all executives and personnel strictly adhere to the No Gift Policy. We pledge not to give or receive gifts or gratuities of any kind in relation to our duties, on any occasion, before, during, or after work. We refuse to engage in or support any form of corruption or misconduct. We are dedicated to upholding ethical standards and the University of Phayao Code of Ethics, while also fostering public trust through transparent and responsible administration. We are committed to ensuring the sustainability of integrity as a core organizational value.”

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