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AHS hosted an academic service conference for an academic year of 2023 on the topic of “Fundamental Movement: Test-Treat-Train.”

AHS hosted an academic service conference for an academic year of 2023 on the topic of “Fundamental Movement: Test-Treat-Train.”

          On 19th August 2023, School of Allied Health Sciences (AHS) hosted an academic conference for an academic year of 2023 on the topic of “Fundamental Movement: Test-Treat-Train.” The event commenced via an online platform (Zoom Cloud Meeting). The Opening and welcoming speech was given by Asst. Prof. Dr.Puttipong Poncumhak, AHS Dean. The primary aim was for gathering knowledge and skills in the treatment and management of patients suffering from movements both in terms of treatments and training managements. The conference was conducted by Sorawit Suebpong , PT, and Rudeerat Pongpairote, B.ATM., experts from Treat & Train Physical Therapy and Thai Traditional Medicine Clinics.  The event aimed to recruit 20 UP personnel including PT and Lecturers as well as 280 attendees from various health science disciplines.


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Phayao Thailand

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+6654 466 666

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