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SDG5 Gender Equality, achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

SDG5 Gender Equality, achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

University of Phayao has the operations related to SDG5 in many issues that related to sub-targets of SDG5 to create the awareness and equal treatment, for example.

Article 5.1 Ends all forms of discrimination towards women and girls everywhere. University of Phayao places the importance on gender equality by facilitating and safe their life of all genders in the university along with giving the opportunity to wear a gown according to the graduate's gender to join a graduation ceremony.

Article 5.5 To create the collateral working in which women are fully involved and to create the equal opportunities to be the leadership at all levels of decision-making at the university level, such as having a head of department, executives at the school and university level on the basis of competence without gender issues or discrimination at work. In other words, University of Phayao provides opportunities for gender equality in work at all levels, from the operational level to the executive level. Article

5.6 Ensures thoroughly access to sexual health and hygiene fertility and right fertility. According to University of Phayao has promoted and facilitated annual health checks for staff of all genders. It allows them to know the correct information on their protection from various diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases, leading to complete pregnancy preparation and including with the granting of various rights of fertility according to the protection of labor laws, such as the right to maternity leave and parental leave of staff. Article

5.b Increasing the use of technology, especially information technology and communication technology, to promote the empowerment of women through the courses of the University of Phayao. This leads to the enhancement of skills in using various information technologies for gender equality. Article

5.c Select and strengthen good policies and applicable regulations to promote gender equality and empowering all women and girls at all levels. University of Phayao supports working with other agencies to strengthen the network capacity in order to increase the intensity of work in the area such as organizing activities to promote lifelong learning for local community leaders through a workshop project on the topic “Developing the capacity of local community leaders to design gender equality policies” in collaboration with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), National Economic and Social Development Council and Thailand Policy Lab (TPL).

Assistant Professor Chatthip Chaichakan, Ph.D.,

Assistant to the President, UNIVERSITY OF PHAYAO

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