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The School of Education lecturers were the lecturers in the project to develop personnel competency in guidance and counseling,

The School of Education lecturers were the lecturers in the project to develop personnel competency in guidance and counseling, Phayao Provincial Office of Learning Encouragement, Class 2
On January 22-24, 2025, Assistant Professor Dr. Lumyai Seehamat, the Head of the Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Education Program in Curriculum and Instruction, and Dr. Kasidit Meeprom, the lecturer of the Master of Education Program in Educational Administration, were honored to be a lecturer in a workshop for government teachers and educational personnel in the topic: Basic knowledge about guidance, consulting, and helping students, psychology and guidance skills, guidance service, consulting and helping students, and role-playing for guidance, counseling and care services in the project to develop personnel competency in guidance and counseling, Phayao Provincial Office of Learning Encouragement, Class 2 at Teacher’s Savings Cooperative, Phayao. The objective was to provide the training participants with knowledge and can bring the knowledge that they gained into practice in providing guidance and assistance to develop a good quality of life for students or service recipients.

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