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The International Seminar on Health, Sports Science and Exercise is an annual seminar created in 2014

The International Seminar on Health, Sports Science and Exercise is an annual seminar created in 2014
The International Seminar on Health, Sports Science and Exercise is an annual seminar created in 2014 by Faculty of Sports Science and Coaching, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI-FSSK ) and Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Thaksin University (TSU-FHSS). The first seminar was hosted by TSU-FHSS in Phattalung campus and taken turns for many years. Later on, there are more institutions joining this annual seminar. 2nd 2024 International Seminar on Health, Sports Science and Exercise (2024-ISHSSE) Theme “Health, Well-Being and Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals : SDGs” hosted by 15 institutions: Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Walailuk University, Surathani Rajabhat University, and Thaksin University. The seminar will be held on May 11, 2024 during 09.00-18.00 a.m. (Thailand time), This seminar provide opportunities for students to share and learn in health, sports science and health related professions in across countries to improve their academic international experience
The objectives of the 2024-ISHSSE
1. To provide opportunities for students to share and learn in health, sports science and health related professions across countries
2. To create a platform for undergraduate students, but not limited to other level of students and scholars, to experience the climate of international seminar
3. To strengthen the collaboration in teaching and learning, research and academic service among higher education institutes in the regions
4. To encourage the initiation of relationship among students across countries
1. Health and Well-Being: Determinants of Health/Health Risk
2. Environmental Health, Occupational Health and Safety and Accident Prevention and Control
3. Disease Prevention and Control: Communicable Disease, Non-communicable Disease
4. Alternative Medicine: Traditional Medicine Such as Thai, India, Malaysia, Chinese traditional medicine etc.
5. Sports and Exercise Science
6. Physical Education
7. Other related Health Issues: law, politics, engineering, humanity science, communication, digital media, technology etc.
8. Innovation

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Phayao Thailand

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+6654 466 666

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Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 4.30pm