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SEEN organized a co-operative education student orientation program to report on the results of the program.

University of Phayao
On March 6, 2024, the School of Energy and Environment -SEEN organized a co-operative education student orientation program to report on the results of the cooperative education program. Students presented their cooperative education work for the end of the 2023 academic year, having completed their assignments according to the specified conditions. Fourth-year students pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering participated in cooperative education and successfully completed their assignments at the workplace from November 1, 2023, to February 29, 2024, spanning a total of four months.
Dr. Somanat Somprasert, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Quality Assurance, along with members from the Environmental Engineering program, joined the presentation session and exchange ideas. The discuss potential solutions to challenges faced during the cooperative education period, fostering effective application in real-life work situations in the future.

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