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The iTAP-UP network presents the results of the development project and preparedness for SMEs entrepreneurs in environmentally-friendly production pro

University of Phayao
On November 27, 20203, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Torpong Kreetachat, Dean of the school of Energy and Environment (SEEN), in his capacity as the iTAP program manager of the University of Phayao (UP) network and technology consultant, along with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saksit Imman, Asst. Prof. Dr. Nathiya Kreetachat, Dr. Satawat Thanarat, and Dr. Nopparat Suriyachai, environmental experts, joined the presentation to evaluate the closure of the project "Development and Preparedness for SMEs Entrepreneurs for Environmentally Friendly Production Processes according to the BCG Economic Model", to the assessor, Ms. Peechaya Jirathumkitkul, Food, agriculture and health industry manager Innovation and Technology Assistance Program, National Science and Technology Development Agency (iTAP, NSTDA).

The project focuses on elevating the industry with clear and ethical environmental management plans according to the BCG economic model. These was implemented from April 1 to August 30, 2023, with the participation of 30 SME entrepreneurs in the northern region. The participating received the initial issue analysis, short-term training activities, and the development of environmental plans with five main areas; Carbon Footprint, Waste to Energy, Solar Rooftop, Reclaim Water, and Smart Farm, addressing gaps in applying various technologies to solve environmental issues and maximize efficiency for businesses.

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