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University of Phayao French Student Participated in the Meeting of the Clubs Leaders Etudiants Francophones (CLEF), Asia-Pacific Region

University of Phayao French Student Participated in the Meeting of the Clubs Leaders Etudiants Francophones (CLEF), Asia-Pacific Region
University of Phayao French Student Participated in the Meeting of the Clubs Leaders Etudiants Francophones (CLEF), Asia-Pacific Region

         On October 10th and 11th, 2023, Mr. Kittisak Kawila, a senior in the French Program in the School of Liberal Arts at the University of Phayao, represented the University's photography club at the CLEF event in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The gathering included representatives from a total of 16 clubs from various countries, organized by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF). The main objectives of the event were to support the leadership qualities of individuals learning French and to foster an international network among students.

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Phayao Thailand

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