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The ETLC is poised to continue its journey with enhanced prestige and operational excellence with the stringent ISO/IEC 17025: 2018.

University of Phayao
On August 25, 2023, the Environmental Testing Laboratory (ETLC) within the School of Energy and Environment (SEEN), University of Phayao (UP) marked a significant event. Guided by the expertise of Asst. Prof. Dr. Supreeda Homklin, a team of accomplished scientists including Mr. Weerawat Muangkham, Mr. Paitoon Khamchan, and Ms. Kanoksin Yasueb, had the privilege of hosting Ms. Kuruwan Klinbamrung, the Laboratory Administrator from the Institute of Innovation and Technology Transfer.
Ms. Klinbamrung played a role as the designated auditor for the year 2023, conducting a thorough assessment in accordance with the stringent ISO/IEC 17025: 2018 standard. The primary objective was to ensure compliance with the rigorous criteria established for the accreditation of testing laboratories. This evaluation not only underscores ETLC's unwavering commitment to upholding and practicing quality standards, but also reinforces the credibility of ETLC as an accredited entity.



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Address : University of Phayao

Phayao Thailand

Phone :

+6654 466 666

Opening Hours :

Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 4.30pm