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School of Allied Health Sciences, University of Phayao organized an extra-curricular activity: “The 21st Century Skills for Physical Therapy Students”

School of Allied Health Sciences, University of Phayao organized an extra-curricular activity: “The 21st Century Skills for Physical Therapy Students”.

Saturday, July 22, 2023 was the day that Department of Physical Therapy, School of Allied Health Sciences, University of Phayao organized an extra-curriculum activity: “The 21st Century Skills for Physical Therapy Students” taking place at Muang Phayao conference room, School of Information and Communication Technology, University of Phayao. The audience was third- and fourth-year physical therapy students and the project was honoured by Dr. Wiwan Sukcharoen Ketkaew, a full-time lecturer of School of Business and Communication Arts, University of Phayao as a speaker in “How to create a great content”. The activity was also honoured by Acting Sub Lt. Nathanai Ketkaew as a special speaker and practical trainer in Still-life and panning shot techniques and editing with a smartphone”. This project targeted to develop 4C skills: 1) creativity 2) communication 3) critical thinking and 4) collaboration, which will promote learning for learners to achieve program learning outcomes (PLOs). 



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Phayao Thailand

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+6654 466 666

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