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The SoN, UP conducted an activity with the theme: “Developing competency of academic staff to become professional ones”

Developing competency of academic staff to become professional ones

On May 31st, 2023, the School of Nursing at the University of Phayao conducted an activity with the theme: “Developing competency of academic staff to become professional ones” in meeting Room 1, the School of Nursing, University of Phayao. This activity was a part of the project entitled “Promoting academic staff to create academic works and teaching media”.  The purpose of this activity was to enhance academic staff's knowledge and understanding of the developing competency of academic staff based on the UP Professional Standard Framework (UP-PSF). The opening speech was given by the Dean of the School of Nursing, Asst. Prof. Dr. Dao Wieangkham. It was our honor to have Assoc. Prof. Kankanya Jaikarnwongsakul, an academic staff member of the School of Law at the University of Phayao, was the special guest speaker. She gave the lecture on the important topics: 1) the significance and criteria of the professional standard framework; 2) three main components of the professional standard framework consisting of knowledge,

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Address : University of Phayao

Phayao Thailand

Phone :

+6654 466 666

Opening Hours :

Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 4.30pm