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Student from School Energy and Environment participate in the presentation of the results of the environmental activities of the youth within the university (Green Youth)

คณะพลังงานและสิ่งแวดล้อม มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา

Students of the School of Energy and Environment, University of Phayao, consist of Mr. Chanon Wonglangka, Miss Thantisha Pipithakul, Miss Panrawee Yuthwong Mr. Siratinee Kanthawong and Mr. Thanatdis Khamsa Participated in the presentation of environmental activities of the youth within the university (Green Youth) and received the 2020 Student Network's Award for Environmental Action by the Department of Environmental Quality Promotion. The student has Dr. Surat Satpho, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs as a consultant during 13-17 December 2020 at Mida Hotel Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi Province

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