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Teacher Respect Day 2020

Teacher Respect Day 2020  University of Phayao

Thursday, November 26, 2020 President of University of Phayao, Associate Professor Dr. Supakorn Pongbangpho, along with the executive team attended the Teacher Respect Day 2020 and the welcoming ceremony to the freshman organized by the Division of Student Affairs in collaboration with the Student Council.  On this day students could pay their respects to the teachers who were performing the symposium in Pali Language, and at the same time, the welcoming ceremony of the freshman is a reservation of local art and culture and wisdom to enhance thainess.

The ceremony was held at The Professor Emeritus Khunying Kaisri  Sriarun, The 99-year-old Ubali Khunupmajar, which follows surveillance measures and prevents the spread of corona virus infection. 2019 (Covid-19)

Translated by International Team

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