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President of Phayao University Lead a team of nature exploration Learn community partners Future construction of plants for studying plants and herbs

อธิการบดีมหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา นำทีมสำรวจป่าศึกษาธรรมชาติ  เรียนรู้คู่ชุมชน อนาคตสร้างสวนศึกษาพันธุ์ไม้และสมุนไพร

President of Phayao University Lead a team of nature exploration Learn community partners Future construction of plants for studying plants and herbs

In the evening, 22 May 2020, Associate Professor Supakorn Pongbangpho, Ph.D. President, University of Phayao along with the Associate Professor Direk Teeraputon, Ph.D. Vice President for University Communications, Assistant to the President, Director of the Building Division, Director of General Affairs joined to explore and study the nature trails, the route at Huai Thap Chang area which is a natural path with Kham Mok Luang or Ton Kham Mong Chang. It is a drought resistant wood that is suitable to be planted for shade. The flowers are golden yellow, beautiful, and very fragrant. It will bloom all at the same time for 2-3 days. The fragrance smell of this flowers can be long lasting. Even though the flowers had fallen, they still smelt their fragrance. Besides that, there is also a source of “Mushroom Pho”, or most people called “Puff Ball Mushrooms” which is a type of mushroom that naturally grows in certain areas by itself, especially in the northern and northeastern regions. Moreover, it will be able to be eaten in the beginning of the rainy season (around May - June), that can be considered Forest in the area of University of Phayao as an abundant and a source for communities to collect various products such as mushrooms, bamboo shoots, arachnids, and various type of vegetables. In addition, in the future, the university will prepare to build a garden for studying plants and herbs in the area in front of the Demonstration School of University of Phayao to be a source of learning for students to study various plants and herbs as well.

After that, the management team and officials surveyed the water source in the university. At the almost end of the event, the president has examined the construction of shady paths of UP DROM dormitory area (Under construction) to facilitate the students to be a path to shelter from the rain and the sun, also including having a policy to improve the wastewater treatment system before entering the water source in order to protect the environment in University of Phayao.

Translated by Pakrinha Lim, Cambodia student

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